Sunday, March 27, 2005

in which I socialize outside of my home

last night i hung out with the lovely and talented MM, my design-y friend who lives in SF. he had just sent his mom and niece back to san diego.

we went to see D.E.B.S. which is a funny stupid movie, and just my style. that said, i think it's really likable in general, unlike most movies i like. so i recommend seeing it. hear me?

i really hate hearing anything about the plot of a movie before i see it, so i'm not going to talk about that here. one weird thing about the movie was how freakishly thin the leads are. i'm used to seeing thin girls, i thought, but these guys are scary thin. their thighs look like my arms. scary. also, they weren't toned, which i'm also not used to seeing. it looks like they don't work out.

after the movie, we went to hama sushi, on 2nd street between san pedro and central. it's downtown, just inches away from a sketchy neighborhood. but it's a very nice place. small. the sushi chefs are great. it seemed mixed pretty evenly between whities and japanese-speaking japanese people.

then i took MM back to his hotel (a lovely place that i recommend) and went home. funny how all the driving around was definitely part of the evening. we wanted to drive together so we could spend more time together. we got to talk a lot, cruising along the highways and thoroughfares of the city. i realized that i drove 72 miles last night though, not counting the times i missed my cross-street. i now see the advantage of having gps navigation system. not only do you know better where you are, but it facilitates your relationship with your passenger.

here's the list of mileages
24 miles to mike's hotel
4 miles to the movie
9 miles to the restaurant
11 miles back to mike's hotel
24 miles back to pasadena

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