Also in this morning's map tool criticism category: Google My Maps. I love it, but it's bad when it comes to printing. However, there is a terrific 3rd party tool at taurich.org that prints maps along with the titles and descriptions of places and, here's what's special, the titles and descriptions are keyed by icon to unique places on the map. When you print with google, you can't tell what description belongs where. Also, the taurich tool allows you to print the descriptions in columns, which helps a lot.
I agree with you about MapMyWhatever. I used to love their site, but their cluttered redesign really leaves me cold. For once I actually took the time to email the site saying how unhappy I was with the changes. I'm psyched to try out the other sites you mentioned.
Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your kind words! I'm an Experimental Psychologist and, not unlike in your own field, we learn how to collect and analyze data to answer questions - the main difference being that our questions tend to be about human behavior, rather than molecular biology. So, it's not surprising that we'd see eye-to-eye on the whole collecting and summarizing sewing data thing! :)
You probably would have enjoyed the process of setting up the spreadsheets for those cards... There were so many decisions and things to learn! For example, early on I entered data in yards (just b/c that's what I'm familiar with) - but eventually I realized that the measurements in meters were provided to a great level of precision (smallest recorded deltas were 0.5 meters vice 1/8th of a yard), and it would be better to enter the meters and calculate the yards... Just stuff like that - it has been very interesting and a real learning experience!
I'm happy to hear that you liked the Iceland pictures - it was an amazing trip and a wonderful country!
Well, I hope you'll stop by my blog again, as I return to sewing content. (Speaking of summarizing data, I always ask a sewing-related question on Fridays and then summarize all the answers I get and write a follow-up post the following Thursday.)
And I'll add your blog to my blog roll! :)
Thanks again!
All the best,
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