Wednesday, February 09, 2005

How to get no work done

i did hardly any work today. i got up, chased down and harassed the jackasses* who published my name change notice, walked woofie, went to the happy meds lady (more meds! that's what she said), went to lunch with the grad students in my lab including a rotation student who we were evaluating/wooing, went to the lab and moved desks around (i moved light stuff and got other people to move heavy stuff, my wrist/arm is feeling better but not that much better), went to the gym, got back to the lab and went to get burger and pie with hc. now i'm home. early tomorrow i'm due in court to say that i'm not trying to defraud anyone by changing my name. hopefully then they'll give me a piece of paper saying i'm legit with my not-really-new name.

*blogger wanted to change jackasses to Chickasaws.

last week i overheard a couple of professors talking about a talk they wanted to go to tonight. i just looked it up; art speigelman is speaking on campus. going to see him would probably help me feel less lost in the cultural wasteland of pasadena, and i would surely enjoy going to see him. on the other hand, i have a headache and am tired from my non-day, and i really want to stay home and watch alias and lost. if i had known about it earlier and made arrangements to go with a friend, i might have gone.

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